COVID-19 resources and information from Active Trans

As we address the global pandemic, the Active Transportation Alliance is adapting and responding — and continuing to do the important work of fighting for clean and equitable transportation.

As with many other critical public systems, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the underlying inequities in Chicago’s transportation network.

Years of disinvestment mean that the Black and Latinx communities hit hardest by COVID-19 in Chicago were already struggling with inadequate transportation options before the pandemic.

Now public health measures have led to capacity limits on transit, and the evaporation of fare revenue raises the specter of future cuts to service. This is happening as essential workers, who are disproportionately Black and Latinx in Chicago, need access to affordable public transit more than ever.

Thanks to support from people like you, we’ve been able to deepen our understanding of the mobility challenges presented by the pandemic. During our “COVID-19 Listening Tour,” we held discussions with more than 100 community leaders across the region.

Among the many topics discussed in these conversations, people told us buses remain a critical lifeline for communities. But people also expressed frustration with the frequency and reliability of service.

That’s why we were pleased when CTA started rolling out dedicated bus lanes on a couple of the city’s busiest routes. This is a needed step that’s been one of Active Trans’ primary goals in recent years — and is even more important now when finances are strained and mobility is hampered for many people.

In addition to our community listening tour, Active Trans also conducted an analysis of demographic, travel, and public health data from the neighborhoods bearing the brunt of the pandemic in Chicago. These efforts have laid the groundwork for our overall COVID-19 response agenda.

With people like you behind us, we will continue to focus on Chicago’s pandemic response and recovery efforts and the mobility needs of the people most impacted by this public health and economic crises. Active Trans is uniquely positioned to lead this advocacy effort alongside our community partners and people like you.

We urgently need additional support for this work. Please consider donating and becoming an Active Trans member, if you’re not one already.

Linked below is information about our current work as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Responding to the pandemic

Resources for parents and teachers


If you use Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, please consider sharing our infographics on using transit safely and walking and biking safely, as well as our sharaeble social media graphics. 

Please keep following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram for your regular dose of inspiration and reliable information.

We rely heavily on members and supporters like you to make our work possible.

If you’re able, please consider donating to Active Trans or becoming a member of the organization to help ensure our financial stability during this uncertain time.

Thank you for being part of the fight for better transportation options.


Please refer to these public health resources for more information:


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