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People walking are five times as likely to be killed by a driver traveling 30 mph as one going 20 mph.

Celebrate winter bike commuting in Chicago on Jan. 26


January 23, 2018


Contact: Clare McDermott
Active Transportation Alliance
312.216.0466 (o)
773.391.7709 (c)


Celebrate winter bike commuting in Chicago on Jan. 26, and get ready for MB Bike the Drive

(Chicago, IL) — Celebrate Winter Bike to Work Day at Daley Plaza in Chicago’s Loop on Jan. 26 for the 26th annual celebration of cyclists who don’t let gloomy winter days or low wind chill stop them from pedaling to work. Winter Bike to Work Day, organized by the Active Transportation Alliance, commemorates the coldest day in Chicago history — Jan. 20, 1985 — when the official temperature at O’Hare International Airport was 27 degrees below zero. In comparison, this year’s weather forecast of low 50s looks downright balmy for the rally. 

Attendees of the Winter Bike to Work Day Rally can also look forward to free Dark Matter coffee, swag from REI, Revolution Brewing, CLIF bar, and slices of Eli’s Cheesecake. The event will take place from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. at Daley Plaza, located at Washington and Dearborn Streets. 

Rally attendees and everyone else who enjoys bicycling are encouraged to start planning for warmer weather by signing up for MB Bike the Drive, which will be held on Sunday, May 27, 2018. You’ll enjoy the city skyline and stellar views of Lake Michigan on the only day of the year when Lake Shore Drive is open exclusively to people biking and closed to car traffic. Tickets can be purchased at  

The rally also provides an opportunity to highlight the need for better biking conditions in Chicago While Chicago’s network of advanced bikeways has grown, progress has slowed in recent years and existing lanes are often poorly maintained. We are urging Chicagoans to sign our petition stating that they’d like to see a line item in the city’s budget dedicated to funding walking and biking infrastructure that works for all Chicagoans, all year long. The petition can be found here:

Photos of previous Winter Bike to Work Day Rallies or MB Bike the Drive can be provided upon request. 


About Active Transportation Alliance

The Active Transportation Alliance is a non-profit, member-based advocacy organization that advocates for walking, bicycling, and public transit to create healthy, sustainable and equitable communities. The organization works to build a movement around active transportation, encourage physical activity, increase safety and build a world-class transportation network. The Active Transportation Alliance is supported by more than 20,000 members, supporters and volunteers. For more information about the Active Transportation Alliance, visit or call 312.427.3325.


