Our Work

We're working to make it more
convenient to choose healthy
transportation options.
Here's our strategy.


We need world-class transit that connects people with jobs, services, and businesses.


Riding a bicycle should be safe and easy — no matter your age, ability, or where you live.


We want walkable communities where people can get active as they get around.

We need a public transportation system that is faster, more reliable and more extensive. Help build a strong voice for better transit.

Advocacy & Legislation

While working with lawmakers, advocates and partner organizations, we pursue laws that support safe and easy biking, walking and transit.

Take Action

Do you want better transportation options in the region? You can take action right...

Legislative victories

Every year, the Active Transportation Alliance works with lawmakers to pass legislation that protects vulnerable road...

We want more people choosing transportation options that are healthy, fun and environmentally-friendly.

Want to learn how you can make a difference in your own backyard?

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