
Did You Know?

Bus riders account for more than 20 percent of people using Lake Shore Drive every day while taking up a fraction of the space that cars do.

Active Trans Walk Challenge

Thank you!

Thank you all so much for participating in the Active Trans Walk Challenge!  We had 337 walkers participate in this inaugural event, with over 2,500 tips and 10,000 miles logged. Nice work!

With so many normal activities on hold due to COVID-19, we heard from many of you how the Walk Challenge was a breath of fresh air and a much needed escape during stressful times. Plus, you were able to have some fun as a pedestrian, proving how easy and beneficial walking can be. Win-win!

If you enjoyed the Walk Challenge and want to learn more about the what Active Trans is doing to make communities more walkable, check out our latest walking campaigns and be sure to subscribe to our monthly newsletter.

Finally, we couldn’t do the work we do without the strong support of our members. Please consider becoming a member of  Active Trans to help advocate to safer, walkable communities throughout Chicagoland.

Again, thank you all so much for participating in our first ever Walk Challenge!

Top Walkers

Let’s give a round of applause to our top walkers!

1) Stephanie Farruggia* – 187 mi / 2044 pts
2) Terri Krentz – 186 mi / 1960 pts
3) Jennifer Wohlberg – 180 mi / 1900 pts
4) Taylor Trimby** – 178 mi / 1877 pts
5) Amanda Berlinski – 163 mi / 1801 pts
6) Betsy Fiden – 134 mi / 1439 pts
7) Bob Jones – 118 mi / 1415 pts
8) Barbara Gordon – 123 mi / 1331 pts
9) Moriah Gelder – 122 mi / 1324 pts
10) Josh Ellis – 122 mi / 1320 pts

* Top walker receives a $25 Dark Matter Coffee gift card and  a pair of limited edition Active Trans socks
** Randomly selected winner of a new pair of walking shoes

To view the full list of standings, click on the button below.

Daily Prize Giveaway Winners

Oct 30: Sarah Hellman – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Oct 31 – Nov 1: Sue Whalen – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Nov 2: Paul Mayer – Dark Matter Coffee Gift Card
Nov 3: Cathi Odtohan – Revolution Brewing Prize Pack
Nov 4: Carter O’Brien – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Nov 5: Jenna Harper – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Nov 6: Diana Duncan – Dark Matter Coffee Gift Card
Nov 7 – Nov 8: Madeline Swain – Revolution Brewing Prize Pack
Nov 9: Laura Derks – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Nov 10: Luke VanOsdol – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Nov 11: Christine Friese – Dark Matter Coffee Gift Card
Nov 12: Jacqueline Long – Revolution Brewing Prize Pack
Nov 13: Terri Krentz – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks
Nov 14 – Nov 15: Fran Garrity – Limited Edition Active Trans Socks


Have a question about the Walk Challenge? Email us at