
Did You Know?

According to AAA, the monthly cost of owning and operating a sedan is approximately $700 a month.

Your voice was heard!

Your voice was heard! All the letters and phone calls to State's Attorney Anita Alvarez prompted her office to call us and shed some light on the cases involving Armando Reza and Erik Fabian, who were convicted of intentionally running down cyclists.

We are so encouraged by the conversation we had and the office's position on ensuring justice for unlawful drivers. We have made plans to meet with the State’s Attorney’s Office and we will continue to update you.

You have made our voice into a roar! The State's Attorney's Office told us they were bombarded with letters – your letters! They sent a strong message – we belong on the road and we deserve protection. Thank you!

If you aren't already a member, please consider joining the Active Transportation Alliance and help bring safe and healthy streets to every community in Chicagoland.