
Did You Know?

Chicago’s first protected bike lane on Kinzie St. increased ridership by 55 percent without increasing traffic congestion for cars.

This Earth Day, try carpooling!

Active Transportation Alliance — in partnership with the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA) — is pleased to announce a new employer challenge at The Earth Day Rideshare Challenge.

This challenge, which runs from April 8 to Earth Day on April 22, is free to your company and your staff. By participating, your employees will save gas money and reduce stress — while helping your organization make a positive impact socially and environmentally.

There are many ways ridesharing can help you and your employees save:

  • Each employee who carpools can annually save up to $2,000 in related costs and prevent 14 tons of CO2 from entering the atmosphere.
  • For every 50 employees a company encourages to rideshare, it can prevent up to 700 tons of CO2 a year and needs roughly 30 fewer parking spots (about a quarter-acre, which is valued at $36,000 annually, according to transportation researchers).


Here’s how it works:

  1. A team leader (this can be anyone in your office) signs up your company for the Earth Day Rideshare Challenge. The team competes for the highest percentage of carpoolers and vanpoolers among similar-sized organizations.
  2. The website provides teams with everything they need to rally the office: An easy sign-up process, automated trip logging and team ranking, posters, online resources, and prizes for individuals who track their trips!
  3. The companies with the highest percentage of employees who log rideshare trips at the website during the challenge win — and all teams will be publicly recognized!

Get behind a team leader at your company and sign up for the Earth Day Rideshare Challenge today!