
Did You Know?

People walking are five times as likely to be killed by a driver traveling 30 mph as one going 20 mph.

Second Annual TyK Calendar: Ladies PinUps and Mens SuperHeroes

TyK [Thought You Knew] Project has returned for 2010, this year with two calendars worth of Ladies PinUps and Men’s SuperHeroes, all doing their best for the Chicago Women’s Health Center [CWHC]. The proceeds from the sales of both Calendars go directly to CWHC, the only collectively run women’s health center in the country. CWHC has been a provider of affordable health care and health education to women for over 30 years. For more info go to

This year, TyK will get a preview at the Sadie Hawkins Style Ride on November 14th, with an after party hosted by Cobra Lounge. Please see the website for more info.

The Gala-Gallery Launch will take place on Friday, November 20th at Mars Gallery, at 1139 W Fulton Market. Koval Liquors will provide a tasting table, there will be complimentary beer by Half Acre Brewery, as well as complimentary wine and cocktails from 5pm-11pm.

Photographer Michelle Nolan has returned to capture the allure of Chicago’s sexy lady cyclists, with thirteen PinUps ready to tease you through 2010. None of these ladies are models, just the commuters, racers and joy riders you see out every day on their bikes.

Not to be left out of the good-works of the world, this year, the Gentlemen of Chicago have stepped up for TyK/B [Thought You Knew BETTER]. Chicago’s cycling Gents reveal their SuperHero identities to Photographer Christopher Dilts.
