
Did You Know?

Half of school children walked or biked to school in 1969, but only 13 percent were doing it in 2009.

High-speed rail on the fast track in Illinois

On Monday U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood's Fast Lane blog featured the new high-speed rail route from Chicago to St. Louis. Below is an excerpt from Sec. LaHood's post:

Last Friday morning in Joliet, Illinois, I did what a lot more Illinoisans and Missourians have been doing lately–I boarded an Amtrak train. Friday's ride, however, was special because somewhere between Joliet and Normal, after decades of passenger trains on this route topping out at 79 miles per hour, our train hit a speed of 111.

That new high speed is an impressive 39 percent faster than the one passengers have been living with for years. So Friday was an exciting day for us, and as passengers in the coming weeks experience speeds of 110 MPH between Dwight and Pontiac, Illinois, it’s proof that 21st century rail is indeed coming to America.

Read the entire article here!/