
Did You Know?

Decades of research shows that expanding roads doesn’t provide lasting congestion relief. More lanes means more traffic.

Bike valets needed for A.V. Fest

Like bikes and rock-n-roll? Us too. We should hang out.

This weekend, The Onion's AV Club is throwing a music fest at the Hideout. They hired Active Trans to provide free, secure bike parking for their concert goers. We're looking for a few folks to help us out!

If you work a volunteer shift, you'll get admission to the festival for the hours you're not working, a meal on us, good karma earned by helping Active Trans in promoting bicycling and maybe–probably–a good chance to see some rock stars.

Interested? Let us know by emailing or filling out this form. If you can't commit to a full shift, we are looking for one or two folks to step in during rushes.