
Did You Know?

While the Chicago region’s population grew by 18 percent since 1980, the traffic increased by 66 percent in the same period.

ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress not to increase your transit expenses!

We already know transit fares will be going up for many riders next year. Metra riders will pay 25 percent more to get around our region and CTA fare hikes are still on the table for 2012.

/Unfortunately, there's a chance riders may be taking yet another hit. If Congress doesn't act this month, you may be paying even more for transit next year!

Right now transit riders and drivers can pay their fares and parking expenses with pre-tax dollars out of their paycheck — up to $230 per month. Transit riders receive this commuter benefit through their employers and can save more than $1,000 each year on their transit expenses (if you're not already getting this benefit, encourage your employer to sign up now!)

But if Congress doesn't act now, at the end of this year that benefit program will be cut nearly in half for transit riders, costing many riders hundreds of dollars more each year.

Drivers will continue to receive the full tax benefit for parking expenses up to $230 per month. Transit riders deserve equal benefits. This represents a tax increase that will feel like a second fare hike for many transit riders.

Tell your members of Congress to have a heart this holiday season by supporting the Commuter Benefits Equity Act (H.R. 2412, S. 1034), which would preserve this important benefit for transit riders. Transit riders in the Chicago region can't afford to take another hit!

TAKE ACTION NOW: Tell Congress not to increase your transit expenses!
