
Did You Know?

Chicago’s first protected bike lane on Kinzie St. increased ridership by 55 percent without increasing traffic congestion for cars.

December 15 Trail Conditions

I apologize for the lack of Trail reports from me this past week. I had a bad crash in a cross race on the 7th and spent a couple of days in the hospital with broken ribs and a punctured and collapsed lung.

I won't be able to ride on the Trail again until the 22nd, so I appreciate the continued Trail reports from other users, especially during this time.

With the warm weather on Sunday (12/14) most of the snow melted and the additional rain gave us a good slick covering of ice as the temperatures dropped Sunday night. The sunshine should clear things up a bit today (Monday) but until that happens, the Trail will, most likely, be very icy and slippery in many sections.

The Lakefront Trail used to never get plowed or salted. We worked hard with the Park District to establish this service. Now, many times, the Trail is plowed and salted before the parking lots in the Park. While it does usually take one full day without bad weather to get the Trail clear, the Park District is generally good about attending to the Trail. The hardest weather for the Park District to deal with is sequential storms. They can generally deal with a single bad weather event but successive ones make it hard for them to keep the Trail clear.