
Did You Know?

About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking, or riding public transit.

Advocacy Update – Back to Work Edition

Next week, the Illinois General Assembly returns to Springfield after a two-week break. While on the break, the House of Representatives sponsored a series of hearings on Illinois' capital needs. Today, Active Trans testified at one of the Chicago hearings. We stressed the need for a comprehensive bill with flexible funding for local governments to meet critical needs.

We are expecting a busy remaining six weeks in Springfield. Our must-stop for pedestrians bill (HB 43) will get its Senate hearing soon and needs your support. Please call your Senator and ask him/her to cosponsor HB 43. More information on HB 43, our other bills, and a legislator lookup function are available at

If you have any questions about our legislative agenda, please call Dan Persky at (312) 427-3325 x229 or email