
Did You Know?

About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking, or riding public transit.

Your mission for September: Get one member!

They already bike, walk and take transit. Now get them to join!

Our members are our power – the more members we have, the more successful we will be growing biking, walking and transit in our communities.

So we’re giving you an assignment – get just one new member to join Active Trans!

Our momentum is building. More cyclists than ever are using bike lanes. Transit ridership is hitting record levels. More communities are working to make their neighborhoods walkable and bikeable places.

You can help us sustain our momentum. We’re sure you know people who ride bikes or transit and appreciate walkable communities. They’re already members at heart – we just need them to join us in action.

Here are four ways you can succeed in your mission to get one member.

1. Send this message (or one like it ) to the members at heart you know:

I’ve accepted a mission to grow the movement for biking, walking and transit in Chicagoland by just one person. I know you’re already a member of the movement at heart, but our movement needs you to join us in action. I’m a member of the Active Transportation Alliance, and I’d like you to join, too. I share their vision for Chicagoland to substantially reduce crashes and increase trips made by biking, walking and transit. Help me accomplish my mission! It’s a painless commitment of just $1 or more, but every member we add puts more power behind that vision. Please join by Sept. 30 at with coupon code HEART and Active Trans will enter you in a raffle for a $100 REI gift certificate.

2. Share membership on Facebook:

Click the link below to share our membership page on Facebook. You can post it with a note such as “Help grow the movement for biking, walking and transit in the Chicago region by joining Active Trans! Join by Sept. 30 with coupon code HEART and Active Trans will enter you in a raffle for a $100 REI gift certificate.”

Share it now!

3. Give a gift membership:

Give a membership to someone you know. Select a membership level and check the box for “This is a gift membership” when filling out the form. Use coupon code HEART and we will enter you in a raffle for a $100 REI gift certificate.

4. Pass out membership materials:

Share Active Trans membership materials at your office or with your friends. You can pick up materials at our office at 9 W. Hubbard, Suite 402, Chicago.

Thank you for helping us grow our movement!

Questions? Contact membership director Lee Crandell at