
Did You Know?

The Chicago region’s current hub-and-spoke transit system leaves nearly half a million Cook County residents stranded in transit deserts.

Lakefront Trail Conditions 1/5/11

Now that the snow is gone, the Lakefront Trail is generally in good condition to ride. The bad weather in December did do significant damage, however, to a few locations. It will be quite a while until the Park District is able to repair some of this damage, most likely not until spring.

There is significant Trail damage just south of Fullerton and just south of North Ave. (see pictures). Please be extra careful in these areas. The Oak Street Bend has sand on it but the pavement is survived the storms intact.

The high waves also washed an amazing amount of debris onto the shore at 47th Street, covering much of the old detour to the east of the Trail at that location. I know that many people who like to go around the hill at 47th Street will be disappointed to find that the detour is not rideable (see picture). As the Trail itself is clear in this area I doubt that the Park District will be in much of a hurry to clear the old detour route.

Please let me know if you notice any Trail access points that need attention. The Park District places a priority on the Trail itself and will clear access points after the Trail has been attended to. Often times a gentle reminder from me will help them to get those access points cleared.

Thanks, Randy