
Did You Know?

Although people of color make up about one third of the population, they make up 46.1 percent of pedestrian deaths.

"Guerilla style" bike lanes in Guadalajara

A group of frustrated cyclists in Guadalajara, Mexico, created 5 km of bike lanes (2.5 km in each direction) on a street in a neighborhood that couldn't afford the costs. They also installed a few bike boxes, which give cyclists protected areas where they can pull ahead of cars at intersections with traffic lights.

Check out this fun video–the painting machine is pretty sweet to see in action.  The video reminds us of the power inherent within a unified grassroots effort. That's what it takes to get more bike lanes and better infrastructure for sustainable transportation.

Join Active Trans and help make our voice louder.  Make your own voice heard by talking to candidates in your community about bicycle, pedestrian and transit issues that matter to you. 

Candidates are hungry for your vote; now's a good time to get their attention.