
Did You Know?

Public transit users take 30 percent more steps and spend roughly eight more minutes walking each day than drivers.

Record numbers register for MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive!

This event is always amazing, but this year—the 10th annual ride—was especially noteworthy. We set a record with more than 20,000 registered riders, and a blanket of fog covered the lakefront.

/Thankfully, the rain held off until after the ride, and the fog made everyone feel even more removed from the usual throngs of noisy cars. The fog was surreal, creating a vibe not experienced before at Bike the Drive—or should we say Bike the Fog!

Last year was hot, this year fog. The weather changes from year to year, but we always have a joyous time biking on a car-free Lake Shore Drive.

And that’s because of the amazing work of Active Trans staff and interns, City of Chicago staff and our remarkable volunteers who made MB Financial Bank Bike the Drive go so smoothly under difficult conditions.

Set up on Saturday and take down on Sunday were subject to hours and hours of rain! (Sopping wet doughnuts, anyone?)

Special thanks to sponsors like MB Financial Bank, WXRT radio, NBC5, Schwinn, Kozy’s and many others who helped turn out a record crowd for this one-of-a kind event.

This fundraising event is a massive and fairly expensive event to pull off. The fee we charge covers expenses, with the remaining funds supporting our efforts to make bicycling, walking and public transit safe, convenient and fun throughout the Chicago region. Thanks to all who participated!

PS: Like you, we’d love to keep Lake Shore Drive open later for this event. The City of Chicago makes that decision, and we plan to ask the new administration if the closing time can be extended. Thanks.