
Did You Know?

Only 11 percent of Chicagoland residents ride transit to work.

New Year, new laws

On January 1, several new state laws went into effect. Included among these are three Active Transportation Alliance initiatives.

  • Public Act 97-0627 permits motorcyclists and bicyclists to proceed after stopping at a red light if the light fails to turn green within a reasonable amount of time. The law is effective outside of the City of Chicago.
  • Public Act 97-0572 provides that the injured, or their representative, in a traffic crash resulting in great bodily harm shall be entitled to notice of court proceedings and to testify at a sentencing hearing.
  • Public Act 97-0499 clarifies state law prohibiting motorists from watching a video screen while driving. The law clarifies that navigation systems are allowed, but other screens with moving images are not allowed.

In February, Active Trans will release its 2012 legisaltive agenda. Stay tuned to this blog and the Modeshift newsletter for more information on our agenda.