
Did You Know?

About one-third of all work trips in Chicago are comprised of people biking, walking, or riding public transit.

Safe Routes to School for East Maine School District 63

 Last week, East Maine School District 63 in northern Cook County became the third school within the Model Communities grant program to adopt a school travel plan.  

The East Maine school travel plan lays out strategies and recommendations for all schools in the district to create a safer environment for students to walk and bike to school.

The first step in the plan is establishing a community-wide education campaign focused on safe driving during school arrival and dismissal times, and safe biking and walking education initiatives for students.

The adoption of the school travel plan comes on the heels of some other great news in the district: The district's Apollo School will receive a Safe Routes to School grant from the Illinois Department of Transportation for sidewalk improvements, as well as education and encouragement programs.

Congratulations Apollo School and East Maine School District!