
Did You Know?

Only 0.7 percent of federal transportation funds are spent on improving pedestrian facilities.

Celebrate with us online and on the street — the Dearborn protected bike lane opens today!

Commissioner Gabe Klein and the Chicago Department of Transportation are hosting a press conference today for the grand opening of the Dearborn protected bike lane and the release of the Streets for Cycling Plan 2020!

When: Friday, December 14 at 1 p.m.
Where: Printer’s Row Park, 700 S. Dearborn St.

Come out to celebrate safer streets for biking and to take your first ride on Chicago's newest protected bike lane. Can't make it? Celebrate with us online by clicking here to send a thank you to the city via email or Twitter.

As we ride on Dearborn, let's all show our appreciation by modeling good behavior and following the rules of the road.

Just for fun, here are 10 ways to wait at red lights at those new bike traffic signals!


Check out more big thumbs-up photos here.