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Weigh in on Will County transportation plan

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As citizens it’s our duty to actively participate in decisions that affect our community. People who live or work in Will County will soon have a chance to do just that at a series of four open houses to discuss transportation systems and future transportation needs and challenges. 

Will County has already started gathering information to create a long range transportation plan called Will Connects 2040. The plan will guide the future of the county’s transportation opportunities and challenges from the present until – you guessed it – 2040. Now the county wants input from its citizens.  

Given the population and economic growth expected in the county, the plan will be a key document that will help guide transportation questions like financial investments and specific future scenarios. 

Several state and area organizations are serving on the Will Connect 2040 Technical Advisory Committee, including METRA, the Illinois Department of Transportation and the Forest Preserve District of Will County. 

The forest preserve will be at the open houses to collect input specifically for bicycle transportation issues (The organization has already initiated preparations for its own Will County Bikeway Plan in coordination with the county’s long range plan). 

Citizens can get involved in the planning of Will County 2040 by using the web-based community engagement tool, attending “pop up” meetings or by attending the open houses.

The meeting times and locations are as follows:


April 28, 4-7 p.m.
Joliet Junior College
1215 Houbolt Road
Concourse C*1031
Joliet, IL


April 29, 4-7 p.m.
Wilmington City Hall
Council Chambers 
1165 S. Water Street
Wilmington, IL 


May 5, 4-7 p.m.   
New Lenox Village Hall
Community Room 
1 Veterans Parkway
New Lenox, IL


May 12, 4-7 p.m.
Governors State University
Hall of Honors  
One University Parkway
University Park, IL