
Did You Know?

Only 24 percent of jobs in the region are accessible by transit in 90 minutes or less by a typical resident — and that number drops to 12 percent in the suburbs.

Bike to School Day is Wednesday, May 4!

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Next Wednesday, schools around the country will be hosting events to encourage children to bike to school for National Bike to School Day.

Over the past fifty years, there has been a severe decline in the number of children who walk or bike to school. While there are many reasons this has happened, it is possible for us to help reverse the trend.

Special events like Bike to School Day can be helpful learning experiences for youth, with regards to bike and pedestrian safety. Walking school buses, bike trains and other programs allow kids to get active on their way to and from school. 

Multiple studies have shown a positive association between physical activity and concentration, academic performance, and behavior and children. And of course, there are the long-term benefits of developing healthy habits from an early age.

You can find out more about bike to school events around the city and state on the national Walk and Bike to School website. If your child’s school doesn’t have an event planned, it’s not too late. 

The Walk and Bike to School website offers a rundown on how to prepare an event in just seven days. Once your school is registered, you also have opportunities to win Schwinn bikes and helmets for your school.

In addition to Bike to School Day, another event coming even sooner is Crossing Guard Appreciation Day on April 27.

Crossing guards have to work in all weather conditions to make sure children get to and from school safely. These unsung heroes of the crosswalk typically don’t get the recognition they deserve. 

Even if you don’t personally interact with crossing guards on a daily basis, they are still a vital part of the community and provide a needed service — particularly for school-age children. 

Crossing Guard Appreciation Day is when we have an opportunity to give a special thanks to these underappreciated workers.

If the ability for all children to be able to walk and bike to school safely is important to you, then learn more about our Safe Routes for Healthy Kids campaign and send a letter to your state representative to gain their support for improvement to the Safe Routes to School program in Illinois.

Can’t wait until May 4 to celebrate National Bike to School Day? Kidical Mass kicks off the season in Roscoe Village with a super hero themed bike ride on Sunday May 1. Find out more information here. 

This blog post was written by advocacy intern, Andrew Hertzberg.