This Saturday: Abandon ye bikes, all who exit here

Starting Saturday, you can finally get rid of your old bike from high school your dad keeps knocking over when he's backing the lawn mower out of his garage. Where can you take it?

To any tollway oasis you feel like taking it to. Take your kid's old bikes. Clean out the basement. Clean out your neighbor's basement.

Saturday, April 9, the tollway oases managing company, U.S. Equities Realty, turns all oases into used bike drop off points benefiting Working Bikes Co-Op.

It puts a new spin on the term "used bike drive." But only one oasis is turning into a party.

April 9, 11 AM – 5 PM, the Friends of the Calumet-Sag Trail is taking over the Chicago Southland Lincoln Oasis at Mile 1 on I-80/294 in South Holland, Ill. for Love Your Bike!, a celebration of cycling and the booming trail building in the Southland.

Nearly two dozen exhibitors, including REI, Goodspeed CyclesActive TransWorld Bicycle Relief, Will County Forest Preserve District, League of Illinois Bicyclists, and bike shops, clubs and trail organizations will flush your cheeks with the warmth of bike love as you're embraced by the season's new gear, events and trail opportunities.

Southland bike mechanic Jim Saplis (Worth Cycle Sport) will be teaching how to fix flat tires, basic bike maintenance, choosing the right bike, bike fit and more all day—that's when your toes start curling.

Bring your old bikes to do good. Stay because it feels good.

There's so much love going around, you might find yourself going home with a bike you just met: used Southland Safe Routes to School 24"-wheel mountain bikes (perfect "in-between" size for 9-12 year olds) will be wearing come-hither price tags of just $45 minimum donation. Dollars raised support kids' bicycle safety courses in the suburbs. 

A bike festival in a tollway oasis—who can explain the mystery of love? Load up your old bikes, grab your I-Pass and abandon yourself to spring!

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