I never thought I would be saying thank you to the Illinois Department of Tranportation (IDOT) so often. Here is more good news for you.
In the last couple years, IDOT has significantly increased its use of rumble strips. These safety devices help slow down motor vehicles going from the travel lanes to a road shoulder. They are very good at preventing run-off-the-road crashes. But rumble strips are almost impossible on which to ride a bicycle. Many bicyclists in the suburbs and downstate ride regularly on shoulders. If a rumble strip is placed poorly, the shoulder can be too narrow for a bicycle.
IDOT recently adopted new policies for the use of rumble strips. They are now providing one extra foot of shoulder width (4 feet total) with an extra-narrow (8 inches) rumble strip and a very narrow edge stripe (4 inches). This geometry should provide enough space for most cyclists.
Active Trans wants ti say thank you to IDOT. And we promise you that we will remain vigilant in monitoring IDOT's compliance with the new policies.