Tell your Congressional leader TODAY to save public transit, walking and biking

Today is a national day of action against proposed federal transportation bills in the House and Senate. If you believe public transit, walking and biking are fundamental, contact your U.S. Senators and Representative now.

""These Chicagoland projects and many more are at risk of losing funding:

  • Skokie Valley Trail
  • Navy Pier Flyover
  • Calumet-Sag Trail
  • Safe Routes to School programming
  • Bloomingdale Trail
  • Protected bike lanes, pedestrian safety initiatives in Chicago

Take action by contacting your Congressional leaders now! Please tell your friends!

Federal transit funding is already inadequate, and only 1.6 percent of federal transportation funding is dedicated to walking and biking. Congress should not cut what little dedicated funding we currently have.

Tell your leaders to support transportation funding that creates jobs, reduces congestion, creates healthier citizens and improves the air we breathe.

Take action now!

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