On Wednesday, the Illinois Senate is expected to vote on legislation that would allow the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to use state motor fuel tax revenue for transit, bicycle and pedestrian projects.
Please help the Active Trans get this bill passed by asking for support from your Illinois senator either today or tomorrow. If passed, this legislation will mark the first time motor fuel tax would fund healthy, sustainable transportation improvements.
In 2007, Illinois enacted a Complete Streets policy, which requires that all new road projects accommodate all road users. This bill will give IDOT the flexibility in funding to achieve the important goals of Complete Streets.
In addition, the bill will allow all local departments of transportation throughout the state—at the county, municipal and township level—the same authority to use motor fuel tax funding for active transportation improvements.
Greg Hinz, from Crain’s Chicago Business, recently posted an item on his blog about the bill.
Nationally, bike and pedestrian projects receive a paltry 1 percent of funds for transportation. Active Trans believes that departments of transportation throughout the state should have the option to spend motor fuel tax revenue on increasing active transportation options.
Call your state senator today or tomorrow and say, “Please vote yes on SB 1258!”
Active Trans also asks supporters to call the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Martin Sandoval (12th) at 217.782.5304 to say thank you for sponsoring SB 1258.
Read more about this proposed bill and the Active Transportation Alliance’s 2011 Legislative Agenda.