Protected bike lane on 18th Street nearing completion

The protected bike lane on 18th Street between Clark and Canal Streets is nearing completion.  

""The re-striping of the lanes and the addition of a 3-foot buffer zone separating bicycles from automobiles is complete. Soon flex-posts and anti-skid bridge plates will be installed.  

For anyone who regularly bikes this stretch, it's already clear what a critical improvement this is.  

In addition to the dramatically less-scary experience of biking on a traffic-calmed road with adequate space designated (and separation from cars) for cyclists, the 18th Street protected lane fills a critical gap that effectively expands the bikeway network.  The Chicago Department of Transportation has some great facts and figures.

If you like what you see on 18th Street, be sure to get involved with the Chicago Streets for Cycling 2020 Plan.  

Photo courtesy of Grid Chicago Bike Lane Correspondent Tiffany Paige.



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