No more excuses! Get back in the saddle!

In December, something happened to me. I had an excuse. “It was too cold.” For the next 2.5 months I had many excuses.

“It’s too icy.”
“I only live a block from the train.”
“My mom never learned to ride a bike.”

Now, as I see more and more people riding to work, my delicate fabric of excuses is starting to unravel. Every excuse has been replaced with two reasons to ride!

So today I shook the dust and dog hair off of my shell and pumped up my tires. On my ride, I got reacquainted with myself (I forgot how much thinking I do while on my bike!) I smiled and waved at pedestrians and other cyclists. I saved $2.25 ($4.50 round trip)! I’m back in the saddle!

For those of you that have been riding regularly – you rock! For those of you that haven’t, I challenge you to start riding! You can do it! You’ll find that your old Schwinn has been missing you, and you have missed it even more.

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