Recently on my bike commute, a 9-mile stretch of N. Clark St., I saw some amazing new paint marks in the street at the 2500 block that alert motorists and bicyclists to Look For Pedestrians!
Check out the cell phone photos I snapped; the paint markings and designs are very cool and highly visible. I think the bright blue and yellow work very well and the images/marking span more than 25 feet leading up to the crosswalk.
After the recent must stop for pedestrians law, I thought that these new markings were installed for that purpose.
A call to Chicago Dept. of Transportation shows that these are actually part of a nighttime pedestrian crash-reduction effort (still great news for pedestrians) that CDOT and the Chicago Police are working on together.
The markings have been installed at three locations: Clark at Deming, Halsted at Buckingham and 79th at Bishop (coming soon).
The nighttime pedestrian crash-reduction effort also includes crosswalk enforcement (at night, of course) outreach to bars/liquor stores and signage.
That sounds like a great plan to me. Plus, I’ve noticed more motorists and bicyclists stopping for pedestrians during my rush hour commute times.
Kudos to CDOT and CPD on this innovative effort to help pedestrians!