Kudos to Evanston for Distracted Driving Summit

In honor of Distracted Driving Month, the City of Evanston on Wed. night held a summit focused on the dangers of distracted driving and what people can do to make the streets safer for everyone.

On hand were Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White, representatives from Evanston city government and panelists representing Focus Driven and the National Safety Council.

Discussion focused on how new laws and ordinances must be enforced, and how social marketing campaigns can play a key role in changing the behaviors of both new and experienced drivers.

Illinois General Assembly adopted two bills championed by Active Trans to combat distracted driving. In 2010, it became illegal in Illinois to text message while driving, and illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone in school zones or highway construction zones.

Special recognition goes to the City of Evanston for passing an ordinance in 2010 that prohibits hand held cell phone usage while driving.

 Also, keep in the mind the Illinois Distracted Driving Summit takes place on April 21 in Addison, Ill.

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