The Chicago Cycle Swap is open to the public 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 26 at the Pulaski Park Field House on Saturday, Feb. 26.
- More than 30 bike shops, merchants, nonprofits and individuals offering great deals
- Demos and presentations about cargo bikes, winter bike commuting, the new Chicago Velo Campus and more
- Food, beer and soda by Goose Island Beer Company
Admission is $10 (cash only). Save on admission with our $5 off coupon…print as many as you and your friends need! Kids 12 and under are free!
Want to sell or “swap” a bike in our corral? Pay admission plus $5 per bike (limit three).
Active Trans membership deal: $20 to get into the Swap and one year membership including the Chicagoland Bike Map ($10 value).
Proceeds from the Chicago Cycle Swap benefit your local, friendly bike nonprofits Active Transportation Alliance and Chicago Bike Winter.
We hope you can join us!