Forest Park adopts Complete Streets policy

On Monday night, the Village of Forest Park joined the ranks of nearly 250 communities across the country by adopting its very own Complete Streets policy through the CPPW initiative.

Complete Streets are streets that are designed to serve all users of the road–bikes, pedestrians, motor vehicles, freight and transit–regardless of the user’s age or ability. Complete Streets policies are a commitment by a government entity to design roads for everyone.

The Village of Forest Park is no stranger to Complete Streets. Village officials joke that they have been building complete streets all along, without even knowing it. The village has done a great deal of work over the past 10 years to improve conditions for pedestrians.

The re-design of its downtown on Madison Street is a pedestrian paradise. The village’s new commitment to designing streets for all users, coupled with an Active Transportation Plan and a Safe Routes to School plan that are in the works, will help them further their vision of designing community streets that are safe and accommodating for everyone. Congratulations Forest Park!

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