First Ward bike plan needs your two cents

Like getting your opinion heard? Want to help improve biking on the near Northwest Side of Chicago?

If you ride, live or work in the Chicago neighborhoods of Wicker Park, Bucktown, Logan Square, Noble Square, West Town, East Village, Ukrainian Village or Humboldt Park, then please take a few minutes to fill out this 10-question survey on cycling around the near Northwest Side.

Feel free to pass it on to ""your friends, colleagues, and fellow bike enthusiasts. Non-bikers are also encouraged to participate.

As a part of the bicycle plan for the First Ward, this survey is your opportunity to have your opinion heard and to help shape public policy. The results will be shared with Alderman Proco “Joe” Moreno and Ben Gomberg of the Chicago Department of Transportation. 

The survey closes at the end of June—don’t miss out on this opportunity to contribute!

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