Do you use active transportation in Berwyn?

One of my favorite parts about working at Active Trans is that not only do I get to talk about bicycling and walking, but I also get to walk and ride in new places. Yesterday, a few of our staff  hit the streets of Berwyn as part of our research for its active transportation plan. The weather was great and there were lots of people out and about walking and biking. (Photos from the ride are posted below.).

If you walk or bike in Berwyn, we want your input on what should go into their active transportation plan. We want to know what routes are good for walking and biking today, where the community needs improvement, and what else might encourage the people in and around Berwyn to walk, bike and  take transit more often.

You can share this information in person by coming to a community open house on Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Get all the details. You can also share your thoughts by filling out this online survey.

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