Congress saves tax benefits for transit users

As part of the tax-cut extentions recently passed in Congress, the $230-per-month tax-deduction available to transit users will be continued through 2011, saving a large percentage of riders countrywide hundreds of dollars next year.

Orginally increased from $120 with the 2008 stimulus package, the transit pre-tax deduction amount matches the maximum that driving commuters may currently receive, but was due to expire January 1st, 2011. Transporation for America started an online petition (linked here at Write of Way last month) in order that you could let your lawmakers know that transit ridership is integral to reducing money and pollution, not to mention improving public health, and users deserve the same benefits automobile commuters receive.

The Transporation for America blog has more information about the victory for transit users and how to call your senator or representative to thank them for including this important piece of legislation in their agenda.

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