Can I take my bike on Metra RIGHT NOW?

Have you ever wondered if you can take your bike on Metra trains RIGHT NOW? If you don't feel like searching out a schedule, or you're confused about the inbound vs. outbound restrictions, there's a new website to answer just this specific question.

The no frills site was created by local urban planner Steven Vance (who worked formerly for the Chicago Department of Transportation Bicycle Parking Program). Inspired in part by tongue-in-cheek mono-tasking websites answering useful questions like "Is it Christmas?" and "Is it today?" this site gets straight to the point, answering the question "Can I bring my bike on Metra right now?" with a bold, simple "Yes" or "No" right at the top (and a bit of informative fine print below).

Bookmark it today, along with the CTA Bus Tracker, and your other favorite regional transit web pages.

Can I bring my bike on Metra right now?

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