Active Trans' legislative efforts in Springfield

In recent weeks, Active Trans has been busy in Springfield protecting the rights of bicyclists, pedestrians and transit riders. This year our legislative agenda focuses on the needs of all road users. Here's a quick overview of our current work on Illinois legislation. 

School Zone Safety (HB 1138)—This bill will provide school principals and police officials a bigger role in creating and changing speed limits around schools. The bill has passed the House Transportation Vehicle Safety Committee. 

Speeding Supervision (SB 52)—This bill will prohibit speeding violators in park and highway construction zones from receiving supervision (probation) for their dangerous offenses. The bill is pending in the full Senate.

Motor Fuel Tax (SB 1258)—This bill will give the Ill. Dept of Transportation and local departments of transportation the option to use gas tax revenues for any mode of transportation—not just roads. The bill passed the Senate Transportation Committee. 

Active Trans is also currently:

  • Pursuing changes to IDOT procedures for tracking bike crashes.
  • Working to protect the right of municipalities to use safety-enhancing red light cameras.
  • Making it easier for family members to get memorials for victims of roadside crashes.
  • Working to tighten state law concerning snow shoveling. 

Stay tuned for more updates; meanwhile, check out our legislative agenda

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