Active Trans helps 500 cyclists get around safely at night

Active Trans staff and volunteers hit up four intersections during evening rush hours over the past two weeks, making sure every cyclist who rode by had a headlight. We stopped 500 cyclists and equipped their bikes with lights so they could be visible, safe and legal. The City of Chicago requires cyclists riding at night to use a white headlight and rear red reflector. Bike crashes are more likely to occur with reduced visibility, and failure to use a light may also hinder legal action following a crash, even if the driver is otherwise at fault.

On Nov. 10 we were at Milwaukee/North/Damen, on Nov. 17 at Halsted/Roosevelt and at Wells/Lincoln Clark and on Nov. 18 at Milwaukee/Halsted/Grand. These events are not announced to the public in advance in order to ensure that the lights are distributed to cyclists most in need – those who happen to be riding in the dark without a light. The lights were provide to cyclists for free, thanks to generous funding from The Law Offices of James M. Freeman, P.C. and from more than 300 donors through Groupon's G-Team.

Local media also helped us spread the message about bike safety and the law.

Photo courtesy Active Trans member Serge Lubomudrov. More photos can be found from member Steven Vance, who also blogged about the light distribution.

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