31st Street Lakefront Trail Detour

 I visited the 31st Street Lakefront Trail Detour on Friday (11/5) morning and took the attached photographs. This is going to be a very long project with a projected completion date of April 25, 2012! We will have to get used to this detour and make sure that it is kept in good condition.

 On Friday there was a guard at the entrance to the construction. They had a broom and were sweeping the Trail both times I passed. This is a good sign that they are working hard to keep the impact of the construction vehicles crossing the Trail to a minimum.

As with any detour, this is not the ideal routing for the Trail. There are more turns and some sight lines are compromised. The detour also runs next to the skate park. This is the old routing of the Trail. The route was changed due to conflicts between Skate Park patrons and Trail users (as well as eliminating the Trail crossing the parking lot). Trail users and Skate Park users will have to use extra caution during the time of the detour.

Overall, however, the detour is acceptable. We are pleased that the Park District has taken a pro-active approach to the detour and is following the guidelines that we worked with them to put into place.

Please let me know if you have any issues with this detour and we will work with the Park District to quickly solve any problems.


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