15th Ward Bike Ride

This years 15th Ward Bike ride was an overwhelming success! We are in our 3rd year and the numbers in attendance keep growing. This ride took place on June 26 from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm in the Healthy Chicago Lawn Community.  We had over 60 families ready to ride and be active. Alderman Foulkes was beaming with pride as she was pleases to see those amazing, growing numbers. Also, the 8th District police station was well represented with 6 policemen on bikes and 2 squad cars. There were also donated helmets for the youth who rode — Thank you 8th District Caps program! 

This ride shows that biking and active lifestyles are alive and well on Chicago's Southwest side. Don’t Miss Next Year Ride! To view more photographs please click here.

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