Safe Routes to School State Network
Since January 2007, the Active Transportation Alliance has participated in the Safe Routes to School National Partnership’s State Network Project. The project created 20 state networks that bring together advocacy groups, government agencies and other leaders to ensure the Safe Routes to School federal program leverages additional resources, removes barriers to walking and bicycling to schools and creates an institutional framework for generating long-term policy changes. The Active Transportation Alliance is the convening organization for the Illinois Safe Routes to School State Network.
Schools Changing Transportation: Local Leaders Guide
The guide shows how to advocate for school policies, programs and infrastructure changes to increase student and employee walking, biking and transit options. This step-by-step guide helps school boards, local school councils and parent groups identify obstacles to active transportation and determine solutions. The guide covers topics like implementation options, funding opportunities and outreach tools. Active Transportation Alliance staff may be available to provide assistance to support your work.
Volunteer Opportunities
Contact [email protected] for more information about the following volunteer opportunities:
Active Transportation Alliance Volunteer Ambassador Course
Make an impact in your community by becoming a Volunteer Ambassador with Active Transportation Alliance. Volunteers will learn how to conduct bike skill courses and will lead basic bike safety presentations.
Education Advisory Board
Help Active Transportation Alliance staff evaluate current education programs and conduct strategic planning in this group that will meet two to three times annually.
Curriculum Development Partner
Work with Active Transportation Alliance staff to edit, review and develop new curriculum. Lessons will address walking, biking and transit within different subject areas for various grade levels. The extent of the commitment is determined by the volunteer and the length of the project.
Volunteer Classroom Instructor
Attend a short training to lead either bicycle and pedestrian safety lessons or subject-specific lessons in a classroom or after-school setting. Lessons explore the benefits of biking, walking and using transit.