
Did You Know?

Nearly five children are hit by people driving every day in Illinois while walking or biking within one block of a school.

For Parents and Teachers

Parents, teachers and community members can support Safe Routes to School at home and at school with these events, resources and partner programs.

Walk and Roll to School Day
Energize your school by participating in this international event. Each year on the first Wednesday in October, millions of students and their families are reminded of the simple joys of walking or biking to school. Use this day as an opportunity to focus on the benefits of physically active travel and the importance of safety, air quality and walkable communities.

If your school is celebrating Walk and Roll to School Day, register your event with the National Center for Safe Routes to School. When you register, you’ll have access to free resources, and other schools can learn about the great activities happening at your school.

Crossing Guard Appreciation Day
This day provides an opportunity to thank your crossing guards for keeping people who walk safe each day. In Illinois, Crossing Guard Appreciation Day takes place on the first Tuesday of May. As a gesture of gratitude for crossing guards, you may have your child draw a picture or write a poem. You could also buy your crossing guard a cup of coffee or ask your local government to adopt a resolution.

Safe Routes to School Partners
Visit the websites below for more information about the Safe Routes to School movement.

Illinois Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School

National Center for Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School National Partnership

Schools Changing Transportation: Local Leaders Guide
Be an advocate on behalf school policies, programs and infrastructure that will increase student and employee walking, biking and transit options. This step-by-step guide (PDF) helps school boards, local school councils and parent groups identify obstacles to active transportation and determine solutions. The guide covers topics like implementation options, funding opportunities and outreach tools. Active Transportation Alliance staff may be available to provide support with your work.