Support the campaign to get more kids walking and biking to school

Every day in Illinois, five kids are hit by cars while walking or biking within one block of a school.
In 1969, more than half of kids walked or biked to school. Today, only 13 percent report doing it. This reduction in everyday physical activity contributes to an increase in chronic diseases, like diabetes and heart disease, particularly among African Americans, Latinos, and low and moderate income communities.
We want to change these unfortunate statistics.
The Safe Routes for Healthy Kids is a statewide campaign working to make our streets safer places for kids to walk and bike to school.
Active Trans and the Safe Routes for Healthy Kids coalition are teaming up with parents, students, teachers, and other stakeholders across the state to fight for improvements to the Illinois Safe Routes to School program, which provides support for street improvements and educational programs that encourage walking and biking to school.
If we want kids to experience the benefits of getting active on their way to and from school, we need a stronger Safe Routes to School program in Illinois. We can dramatically improve the program by doing the following:
- Boost funding for the program
- Make it easier for low-income communities to participate
- Improve administrative practices to mirror national best practices
As we work closely with a coalition of state-wide organizations to make these changes, we also need your help.
Here are three ways you can support our Safe Routes for Healthy Kids Campaign today:
- Sign up here to support the campaign and get updates.
- Tell Active Trans your story by completing this quick survey.
- Share your story and photos on social media by using the hashtag #SafeRoutesIL. You can also use one of these infographics:
Campaign Fact Sheet (citations)
Safe Routes for Healthy Kids Coalition Members
Active Transportation Alliance
Alta Planning and Design
American Diabetes Association
American Heart Association
Consortium to Lower Obesity in Chicago Children
Get Up and Go
Illinois Alliance to Prevent Obesity
Illinois State Alliance of YMCAs
League of Illinois Bicyclists
Mission Readiness
Slow Roll Chicago
YMCA of Rock River Valley
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