Tag Archives: transit

Tell Mayor Lightfoot to fund busways and safe streets

Aug 26, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

In building the first budget of her administration, Mayor Lightfoot can chart a new course for Chicago’s transportation network. Now you need to make sure she follows through on her campaign promises to make it safer, healthier, and more affordable to get around Chicago. Leading up her budget address on October 16, Mayor Lightfoot is collecting feedback on Chicago’s budget priorities. Four budget town halls are scheduled for September: Sept. 4: 6 to 8 p.m., Copernicus Center, 5216 W. Lawrence Ave., Sept. 14: 9 to 11 a.m., Roberto Clemente High School, 1147 N. Western Ave. Sept. 19: 6 to 8 p.m. the Southeast United Methodist Youth and Community Center, 11731 S. Avenue O Sept. 25: 6 to 8 p.m., Lindblom...

Riding the Irving Park bus with Ald. Gardiner

Aug 20, 2019 | by Julia Gerasimenko

On a warm August morning, Active Trans staff rode the Irving Park Bus with 45th Ward Alderman James Gardiner west from the Six Corners intersection to the Irving Park Blue Line and back. The goal was to get a sense of the daily experience of those 17,000 bus riders on this route. The 45th Ward received a "C" letter grade on our Bus Friendly Streets Report Card for speed and reliability. And the Irving Park #80 Route received a "D" letter grade on our report cards. The stretch of the #80 bus in the ward is the third-slowest segment of the entire #80 bus route. During the ride, Gardiner said he sees the need to improve the speed and reliability...

LaSpata pledges to upgrade bus service in 1st ward

Aug 19, 2019 | by Julia Gerasimenko

To bring attention to the sluggishness of traveling by bus on Chicago’s streets, Active Trans is inviting aldermen on bus rides in their wards. Because, what better way to show elected officials the problems with Chicago bus service than getting them on a bus? That's what we did with 1st Ward Ald. Daniel LaSpata. While we were thrilled to spend some time with this newly elected alderman, he didn't need convincing that the city is desperately in need of faster, more reliable bus service. Indeed, bus ridership in Chicago fell a staggering 21 percent since 2012 and much of this drop happened on the city’s busiest routes, like #49 Western, which cuts through LaSpata's ward. Needless to say, slow and...

Advocates urge Lightfoot to explore congestion pricing

Jul 2, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Active Trans joined a coalition of advocates in calling on Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot to make the city’s ride-hailing fee more equitable and analyze possible congestion pricing options. In a letter sent to Mayor Lightfoot and relevant committee chairs, the group argues that changes to the fee structure would encourage more people using sustainable transportation options, such as shared rides, walking, bicycling, and public transit. Transportation is the leading contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in the country. In Illinois, more than half of all emissions come from the Chicago area. Also signing the letter was the Metropolitan Planning Council, Center for Neighborhood Technology, Shared-Use Mobility Center, Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development, and Via ride-share service. HOW TO REFORM RIDE-HAILING AND...

Ron Burke to step down as head of Active Trans

Jun 17, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

After nearly nine years with the Active Transportation Alliance, Ron Burke will step down from his role as the organization’s executive director next month. During Burke’s tenure, Active Trans contributed to many victories, from the growth of Chicago’s advanced bike lane network and launch of Divvy bikeshare, to the creation of separate biking and walking trails on the lakefront, introduction of dedicated bus lanes, and expansion of suburban trails. Active Trans also had wins in Springfield during Burke’s tenure, including legislation requiring K-8 public schools to teach biking and walking education and the recent passage of a state capital bill that includes $50 million annually for walking and bicycling projects. "Under Ron’s leadership, Active Trans has become a more visible...

Fair Fares Chicagoland

Jun 17, 2019 | by Lynda Lopez

What is Fair Fares Chicagoland? Fair Fares is a campaign led by the Active Transportation Alliance seeking a discounted transit fare for low-income transit riders in the Chicago region. It would include all public transportation options that are part of the Regional Transportation Authority: Chicago Transit Authority (CTA), Pace, and Metra. Why is this necessary? Approximately 20 percent of transit riders of working age made under $20,000 a year in Chicago. As of 2019, a monthly CTA pass costs $105 or $1,260 per year. If a transit rider makes under $20,000, 6 percent or more of their yearly income would go towards CTA transit costs. As an example, a 50 percent discount for a low-income transit rider could save someone...

Victory! Active Trans campaign for state walking and biking fund wins $50 million per year

Jun 3, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

For the first time ever, Illinois’ long-term capital program includes dedicated funding for walking and biking projects. Legislators passed a $33 billion, six-year transportation capital program in an extended session over the weekend. Gov. Pritzker has indicated he will sign the bill into law. The bill includes $50 million annually for walking and bicycling projects. Funds will be administered statewide through a competitive grant process using the existing Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program (ITEP), which is currently entirely federally funded. The additional funds from the state will double the size of the program and could fund 125 new projects every year. Thanks to everyone who took action and the legislators who championed this issue in Springfield. Legislators told us this never...

Seeking transit rider stories for Fair Fares Chicagoland

May 23, 2019 | by Lynda Lopez

Have you ever faced challenges affording the costs of transit? If so, we want to hear your story. The Active Transportation Alliance recently launched a new campaign to create a discounted fare for low-income transit riders in the Chicagoland region within the Regional Transit Authority. As of 2019, a monthly CTA pass costs $105. If a transit rider makes under $20,000 a year, 6 percent or more of their yearly income would go toward CTA transit costs. To further understand the potential affordability challenges transit riders may face, we will be interviewing riders about their experiences. We plan to release a report on Fair Fares in the fall that will include some of these stories. We are also distributing a...

Mayor Lightfoot can reduce Chicago’s car dependency

May 20, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

To tackle traffic congestion and make transportation more affordable, healthy, and equitable, Chicago must make it easier to get around without a car. During the campaign, Mayor Lightfoot and many council members supported strategies to move Chicago in this direction, including increasing transportation options in the city’s transit deserts and reducing serious traffic crashes that are concentrated on the city’s South and West Sides. They recognized that urban transportation is changing, and cities must adapt to remain competitive in attracting new businesses and residents. Now it’s time to get to work and move Chicago past decades of car dependency and into a new mobility future. During the campaign, Active Transportation NOW — a 501(c)4 affiliate of Active Trans — and...

Rush hour bus lanes coming to Chicago Avenue

Apr 19, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced a new Bus Priority Zones program featuring upgrades to several of the busiest routes in the city, including Chicago Avenue, 79th Street and Western Avenue. The upgrades include rush hour bus lanes on Chicago from Larrabee to Michigan Avenue — through the heart of the River North area where congestion routinely slows down packed buses traveling to the West Side. Other investments include a new cul-de-sac at the Chicago/Milwaukee/Ogden intersection and traffic signal optimization on several routes. The initiative aims to boost bus speed and reliability, and ultimately increase ridership. Mayor Emanuel linked the program to the city's climate goals to reduce carbon emissions and a new policy to support transit-oriented development (TOD) along bus...