
Keep up with the latest news on Active Trans and topics that we care about in the region.

2017 traffic fatality totals at MPAC

Mar 1, 2018 | by Active Trans

At the most recent Mayor’s Pedestrian Advisory Council (MPAC) meeting, the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) provided a sobering overview of all the traffic fatalities in Chicago from 2017

While there were no downtown pedestrian fatalities, the West, Northwest, and South Sides all saw a slight increase in pedestrian fatalities, almost all of which fell in the Vision Zero identified “high crash areas.” All six cycling fatalities happened on the West side and five of those were in a designated “high crash area.”

Active Trans to award legal firm at event

Feb 28, 2018 | by Active Trans

It’s not easy for nonprofits to navigate the complex maze of local, state and federal laws that govern their organizations without the help of attorneys. And those legal services can get pricey for grassroots nonprofits with limited resources. Luckily, that’s something Active Transportation Alliance doesn’t have to worry about. 

Active Trans benefits from pro bono legal services provided by Kelley Drye & Warren LLP’s Chicago office. The international law firm’s generous legal advice helps Active Trans stay focused on its mission while giving Kelley Drye a fascinating inside look at how the nonprofit works to improve walking,

Weber Spur, a crucial connection

Feb 21, 2018 | by Active Trans

Urban trails are one of the best tools we have to encourage more people to walk and bike for everyday transportation, improve public health, strengthen local businesses and create a cleaner environment.

That’s why we’re making the completion of the Weber Spur Trail on Chicago’s Northwest Side a top priority for Active Trans’ Chicago River Trail campaign.

Suburban Lincolnwood recently built a one-mile stretch of the trail; now we’re calling on the city of Chicago to follow through on plans to build its 1.7-mile portion.

Active Trans leads new push for safer Logan Boulevard

Feb 20, 2018 | by Active Trans

The idea of creating safe and easy access to and from the growing network of trails along the Chicago River gets us excited.

What makes us even more excited is when improving access to the river also creates an opportunity to address long-standing concerns of our members and supporters.

That’s exactly what’s happening in our quest to improve conditions for people walking and biking between Logan Boulevard and new river trail segments near Lathrop Homes.

State platform prioritizes transit funding and IDOT reform

Feb 20, 2018 | by Active Trans

Active Trans has released its 2018 Illinois Sustainable Transportation Platform for the upcoming primary and general elections for governor and state legislature. The platform is based on input from Active Trans members, partner organizations, board, and staff.

The platform features specific action items to achieve progress on three core goals

  1. Dedicate funding to sustainable transportation projects
  2. Reform state transportation policy to take a more multimodal approach
  3. Champion transformational projects

Highlights include calling on leaders to establish a new Bike-Walk Fund in the state’s annual budget;

Expedia to be honored at 2018 Awards Reception

Feb 13, 2018 | by Active Trans

Chicago is still entrenched in the grip of winter. But Todd Scales is already thinking about the summer. The director of technology of the Android team at Egencia, which is an Expedia company, is hard at work planning bicycling activities and events that he hopes will not only strengthen the bicycling culture at Expedia, but also get employees pumped about the Bike Commuter Challenge, Active Transportation Alliance’s annual biking competition in June.

Chicago police must respond to racial disparity in bike ticketing

Feb 12, 2018 | by Jim Merrell

In a follow-up story on a report that first appeared last spring, the Chicago Tribune today published an analysis showing stark disparities in the number of bike related citations issued in African American neighborhoods.

The report states that “about 56 percent of all bike tickets were issued in majority black neighborhoods, compared with 24 percent in Latino neighborhoods and 18 percent in white neighborhoods, according to Chicago police statistics.

Suburban superstars: Not taking ‘no’ for an answer

Feb 7, 2018 | by Active Trans

Through our  Bike Walk Every Town suburban advocacy training, we’ve been meeting people doing great work in suburban Chicago communities.

One of these people is Eberhard Veit, a 10-year bicycle-advocacy veteran from Crystal Lake. He has an impressive resume and has helped ensure the inclusion of biking and walking facilities and the closure of trail gaps on numerous projects throughout McHenry County.

We spoke to Eberhard to learn more about his passion for bicycle advocacy and what drives him to keep going,

City picks route for Red Line Extension

Feb 6, 2018 | by Active Trans

Planning for the long-promised southern extension of the Red Line to 130th Street took a step forward last week as the city chose a preferred route.

The Chicago Transit Authority is hosting an open house on Tuesday, February 13 to solicit resident input on the proposed route: 

  • Begin the extension at 95th Street and run along the west side of the Union Pacific Railroad tracks from I-57 south to approximately 109th Street;