
Keep up with the latest news on Active Trans and topics that we care about in the region.

Honoring local transportation champions

Mar 20, 2019 | by Ted Villaire

Please give yourself a round of applause if you were one of the many people who provided support for our 2019 Awards Reception. Thanks to you, it was a great success!

And if you participated in the event’s paddle raise or silent auction, please take a bow.

A sincere thanks to our friend Jerome McDonnell of WBEZ, who served as the master of ceremonies as we honored REI,


Transportation and climate change: It’s not just about electrifying cars

Mar 19, 2019 | by Ron Burke

The transportation sector is the nation’s leading source of greenhouse gas (GHG) pollution that causes climate change. This is just another reason why your support for our efforts to reduce car-dependency is so important.

Before joining Active Trans, I worked at the Illinois EPA (IEPA) and the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) to pass federal legislation to cap GHGs. At IEPA, I helped create and staff a multi-state strategy to cap GHGs in lieu of federal legislation.

Chicago’s bike share system should remain public

Mar 15, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Update [4/10/19]: Chicago City Council voted to approve the contract amendment and expand Divvy to all 50 wards! Thanks to everyone who took action and helped keep Chicago’s bike share system public. Stay tuned for ways to help fight for an inclusive, equitable expansion process.

Update [3/26/19]: We recently sent a letter to Chicago City Council enthusiastically supporting the proposed amendment of the City of Chicago’s existing contract for the operation of Divvy,

Take action for safer biking and walking on state roads

Mar 13, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

A resolution calling for the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) to better protect people biking and walking on state roads passed out of committee in Springfield.

Now we need your help to make sure it passes the Illinois General Assembly and is sent to the governor’s desk.

Take action now for safer biking and walking on state roads.

Senate Joint Resolution 24 (SJR24) calls for IDOT to update its policies and design guidelines to reflect the needs of everyone using the road.

Divvy expansion to boost transportation options

Mar 12, 2019 | by Kyle Whitehead

Active Trans has long advocated for making Divvy available in every Chicago neighborhood as part of a broader strategy to give all Chicagoans convenient and affordable access to bikes and safe places to ride.

Therefore, we’re excited about the city’s proposed agreement with Lyft to expand Divvy citywide and nearly triple the number of bikes. Lyft purchased Motivate – the private company that Chicago contracted to operate the Divvy system – last year.

Villa Park advocates build support for safer biking

Mar 12, 2019 | by Maggie Melin Czerwinski

Advocate and Village Trustee Bob Wagner is working with a core group of volunteers in the Village of Villa Park to promote bicycle safety and increase public awareness of the village’s recently-developed Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan.

Active Trans partnered with the village to lead the effort in developing the master plan, which has three main goals:

⇒ Create better connections between the Illinois Prairie Path, Great Western Trail,

Rep. Mah takes on sustainable transportation issues

Mar 6, 2019 | by Maya Norris

February 2020 update: State Rep. Mah will be receiving the Active Trans Public Leadership Award at our 2020 Awards Reception on March 5. Please join us.  


Since being elected to the Illinois House of Representatives for the 2nd District in January 2017, Rep. Theresa Mah (D-Chicago) has actively pushed for legislation that improves walking, biking and public transit. The freshman lawmaker’s most recent win occurred when then Gov.

Advocates fight for bike/walk education in schools

Mar 4, 2019 | by Maggie Melin Czerwinski

Would you like to see your local schools teach walking and biking safety to kids? With your help, we can make that happen.

Last year, thanks to the efforts of Active Trans and our partners, a law was passed requiring that K-8 public schools teach walking and biking safety to students.

Now we’re working with advocates in communities across the Chicago region to help implement the Illinois Bike Walk Education in Schools Act and encourage districts to comply with the new requirement.

Lynda Lopez, an advocate for transportation equity

Feb 28, 2019 | by Maya Norris

Lynda Lopez is on a mission to prove that transportation is about much more than just getting from point A to point B. She contends that creating safe walking, bicycling and public transit conditions are fundamental to creating thriving, vibrant communities in Chicago.

As a reporter for Streetsblog Chicago, Lopez explores how transportation and mobility intersect with social justice and equity, giving voice to the residents and communities that are grappling with these issues.

Wild Mile adds to dynamic Chicago River Trail

Feb 27, 2019 | by Steve Simmons

Update April 24, 2019: The final public meeting for the Wild Mile Chicago will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. on April 25 at Leslie Hall (1111 N. Wells St., Chicago, 60610). Please RSVP to 


Adding green space along the Chicago River will create a dynamic experience for people walking, biking and running on a 27-mile continuous river trail.

The city has taken an exciting step toward this vision with a plan for the Wild Mile Chicago ,