Will you help make Chicago’s streets safer?

Do you want to see better streets for biking in your Chicago neighborhood and throughout the city?

Would you like to learn how to be an effective advocate?

Well, here’s your chance to get directly involved in making a difference.

Here’s your chance to help create better walking and biking infrastructure in Chicago and help to hold Mayor Lightfoot accountable to her campaign promise to build 100 miles of new bikeways by 2023.

Given that construction of new bikeways has slowed in Chicago, we need people like you getting involved. Will you join the effort to reverse this trend?

If this sounds appealing, you’ll want to join us for the Safer Streets campaign training on Saturday, March 14. During this training session, we will teach you the step-by-step process on how to advocate for safer street design for people walking and biking.

The Active Trans advocacy team will guide you through the following

  • Defining your goal
  • Identifying who can help make your street safer for people walking and biking
  • Building your base of support
  • Assessing your capacity
  • Planning your tactics

You pick the goal by choosing  one of the spoke routes identified in the Streets for Cycling Plan 2020 or the Neighborhood or Downtown High Crash Corridors as identified in Chicago’s Vision Zero Action Plan (page 29).

Once a goal is established, we will help you craft an action plan to build support for a safer street.

Along with teaching you how to build the power and the political will to support your goals, we’ll also discuss Active Trans’ plans to advocate for a $20 million dollar Safe Streets Fund to help fund safer street design throughout Chicago.

Since funding and political will are two major barriers to building out a network of new bikeways for all ages and abilities, we expect this Safe Streets Fund will make a key difference.

Sign up for the Safer Streets campaign training now!

When: 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., Saturday, March 14

Where: Active Trans office, 35 East Wacker Drive, Suite 1782, Chicago, IL 60601

RSVP: Sign up today

Lunch will be provided.


Everyone who participates in the Safer Streets campaign training is eligible for the following support:

  • 2 hours of one-on-one coaching from Active Trans staff
  • Check-in meetings in May and September with Active Trans staff
  • Communications on Active Trans channels with content you provide
  • Active Trans staff will help coordinate meetings with elected officials

Everyone who participates in the Safer Streets campaign training will be eligible to apply for one of four Spotlight Mini Stipends. The Spotlight Mini-Stipend recipients are eligible for the same support as above in addition to:

  • $250 dollars to be spent implementing your action plan for Safer Streets, including photocopies, space rental, food, etc.
  • 4 hours of one-on-one coaching from Active Trans staff
  • Active Trans staff will accompany you to meetings with elected officials

Please email julia@activetrans.org with any questions or concerns. We look forward to helping you lead your own Safer Streets campaigns!


Choose from these streets to organize a campaign around

Streets for Cycling Spoke Routes

  • Clark Street
  • Milwaukee Avenue
  • Lake Street/Randolph Street
  • Archer Avenue
  • Vincennes Avenue
  • South Chicago Avenue
  • State Street/Wabash Avenue


Neighborhood High Crash Corridor

  • Devon from California to Clark
  • Broadway from Foster to Grace
  • Western from Lawrence to Irving Park
  • Belmont from Pulaski to Kedzie
  • Clark from Irving Park to LaSalle
  • Fullerton from Meade to California
  • Western from George to Chicago
  • Milwaukee from Kedzie to Ogden
  • Damen from Fullerton to Superior
  • Ashland from Fullerton to Van Buren
  • North from Austin to Laramie
  • Chicago from Central to Cicero
  • Chicago from Pulaski to Kedzie
  • Lake from Lockwood to Hamlin
  • Cicero from Chicago to Arthington
  • Pulaski from Division to Roosevelt
  • Roosevelt from Halsted to Michigan
  • Lake Shore Drive from Division to Roosevelt
  • Western Ave/Blvd from 35th to Garfield
  • Pulaski from Archer to 71st
  • Garfield from Halsted to King
  • Ashland from 59th to 69th
  • Western from 63rd to 74th
  • Stony Island from 63rd to 79th
  • Halsted from Marquette to 79th
  • Cottage Grove from 75th to 87th
  • Ashland from 78th to 87th
  • 79th from State to Drexel
  • 87th from Damen to Halsted
  • Stony Island from 87th to 95th

Downtown High Crash Corridors:

  • Michigan from Oak to Roosevelt
  • Orleans from Chicago to Ohio
  • Ontario from Orleans to Fairbanks
  • Ohio from Orleans to Fairbanks
  • LaSalle from Ontario to Wacker
  • State from Chicago to Harrison
  • Fairbanks from Huron to North Water
  • Wacker from Jackson to Columbus
  • Washington from Wacker to Michigan
  • Randolph from Clark to Michigan
  • Dearborn from Lake to Monroe
  • Congress from Wells to Michigan