Support trails at FPDCC budget hearing

Calling all trail riders!

The Forest Preserve District of Cook County (FPDCC) is holding its 2015 budget hearing on November 18, and we need enthusiastic trail users to make the case for more safe, convenient and accessible trails.

FPDCC is gearing up for the North Branch Trail Southern Extension, which will extend the popular trail from Devon & Caldwell to Foster & Kostner. While support for this project is high, there has been some criticism from local residents who are pushing for a less safe on-street route.

This meeting is a chance for the cycling community to further demonstrate our support for the project and explain why the project is essential for the neighborhood and the greater region.

Here are some important facts to keep in mind about bike trails:

  • Off-street paths encourage more people to ride bikes, which results in cleaner air and an overall healthier environment.
  • In areas where trails have been built, crime has decreased or remained the same, according the Rails to Trails Conservancy 
  • Cycling is a healthy and fun activity. It improves levels of well-being, self-confidence, and tolerance to stress.
  • Lastly, investment in trails can lead to higher property values. For example, a house located within a one-half mile of the Monon Bike Trail in Indianapolis is worth on average 11 percent more than an identical house farther from the trail, according to People for Bikes and the Alliance for Biking and Walking.

These future trail improvements are necessary in keeping Chicagoland one of the most bike friendly places in the country. Come out and show your support for safe trails!

What: FPDCC 2015 Budget Hearing
Where: County Board Room (118 N. Clark, Room 567)
When: 1 p.m. on Tuesday, November 18

Register Here. See you there!

This blog post was written by Sydney Prusak, Active Trans' advocacy intern. 

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