The latest suburban news on biking, walking and transit issues in your community is here!
Check out highlights from our latest local suburban e-newsletters. Our local e-newsletters offer a quick read on issues related to bicycling, walking and transit across the Chicagoland region.
Don’t see the newsletter in your inbox? Join our mailing list by signing up for our advocacy updates and alerts and check out our In Your Community webpages to learn about what's new in your community. Also, be sure to add Active Trans to your safe sender list in your email settings.
Chicagoland Suburbs
Regional updates
- Our new suburban advocacy initiative, Bike Walk Every Town, has launched! RSVP for one of our free suburban summits in the north suburbs (Sept. 23), northwest suburbs (Oct. 21), west suburbs (Oct. 7), and south suburbs (Oct. 28) — complimentary lunch included. Get the tools you need to improve biking and walking in your community.
- The Suburban Bikeways for All report lays out our vision and action plan to improve biking in the suburbs.
- Watch videos of our pop-up complete streets projects and see how creative, low-cost initiatives can make an impact on biking and walking.
- RSVP for the free Bike Walk Every Town South Suburban Summit on Oct. 28 (lunch included) to get the tools you need to improve biking and walking in the suburbs.
- First graders from the Village of Summit recently wrote their mayor about improving biking and walking conditions in their community.
- Metra Electric service cuts to the South Chicago and Blue Island branches of the line were finalized.
- DuPage County is proposing a new side path to improve trail connectivity between the Aurora Branch of the Illinois Prairie Path and several other nearby trails and destinations.
- Get inspired by first graders from the Village of Summit who wrote their mayor about improving a pedestrian bridge in their community.
- Watch videos of our pop-up complete streets projects and see how creative, low-cost initiatives can make an impact on biking and walking.
- Evanston is installing barrier-protected bike lanes along a 1.9 mile stretch of road.
- Active Trans opposes the extension of Route 53 in Lake County because it will only create more congestion.
- The Pace Pulse Dempster Line will provide rapid bus transit service from Evanston to O’Hare. Share your thoughts on the project at two upcoming open houses on Sept.12 or 19.
For more information about these projects and more, check out our In Your Community webpages.
To join our local e-newsletter mailing list, sign up for our advocacy updates and alerts – in addition to getting our quarterly e-newsletter, we will send you occasional updates about active transportation advocacy efforts in your community.