Last summer and fall, Active Trans partnered up with a handful of suburban Cook County municipalities to host pop-up complete streets events.
The events used everyday materials, such as duct tape, tar paper, plants and house paint to create temporary complete streets facilities – crosswalks, bicycle lanes, roundabouts and other features to slow down vehicle traffic and improve safety for people walking and bicycling.
After a few months in the editing room, Active Trans has just released videos of the events – featuring interviews, aerial views and footage of the community using and commenting on the pop-up infrastructure.
In addition to the main video featured here, you can see videos from each of the communities where the pop-up events were held. You’ll see how pop-up events bring street designs to life, and serve as a powerful way to pilot alternative transportation projects and collect public input.
Here's a general overview of how the pop-ups events work and the ideas behind them.
Here's a time lapse video featuring the event in South Chicago Heights.
Take a look at all the videos in the series.
Thanks to Mark Lind for creating this series of videos for Active Trans and the local communities.