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Post image: Imagine you just got off from a long day of work. The only thing you look forward to is getting home, taking off your shoes, and catching up on shows that have been in your Netflix queue for over a week. You use your train commute as a time to zone out, wanting to get home without any interruptions. […]
Read MorePost image: Often times, we think of walking and biking as a recreational, weekend activity that allows us to be outside and enjoy our neighborhoods. Sometimes we hop in our cars to drive to bike trails that are miles away, or we may go for a leisurely stroll in our community. When biking and walking take a recreational focus, we […]
Read MorePost image: Throughout the month of June, in honor of the Bike Commuter Challenge, the Chrome Store Chicago in the Wicker Park neighborhood is offering all Active Trans members HALF OFF their total purchase! That's right, flashing your Active Trans membership card will get half off on some very stylish and well-made bicycling gear like jackets, shirts, pants, shoes and bags. We’re […]
Read MorePost image: Leading health experts agree that there is a direct connection between our neighborhoods and our health. The ZIP codes in which we live can be as much of a predictor of a person's health and well-being as his or her DNA or individual behaviors. So how do we ensure that communities are healthy places for people to live? […]
Read MorePost image: Since we last wrote about the protected bike lane on Kinzie Street — and 42nd Ward Alderman Brendan Reilly’s efforts to get the lane temporarily removed to accommodate construction traffic — we’ve received an outpouring of support both from more than 1,300 concerned citizens as well as from businesses in the area. In fact, after we put the […]
Read MoreTransit systems as large as Chicago’s are complex networks where one seemingly minor issue can cause ripple effects throughout the entire system, slowing trains and frustrating riders all over city. For decades the Clark Junction on the North Side, where the CTA’s Red, Purple and Brown Line trains meet, has been one of those problem spots. Currently, trains on three […]
Read MorePost image: If you’ve got a rack or a basket on your bike, consider riding on Milwaukee Avenue past Huron Street on Thursday, May 28 between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. That’s because the Chicago Department of Transportation will be counting bikes with racks and baskets as part of a new nationwide competition to find the best city for everyday biking. […]
Read MoreThe Bike Commuter Challenge is a week-long annual event produced by the Active Transportation Alliance. In 2014, 6,000 participants from 650 Chicagoland companies and organizations — including Groupon and Orbitz — took part in this event that allows workplaces to compete against one another to see who can get the most people biking to work. Participation is easy — you […]
Read MoreThe Bike Commuter Challenge is a week-long annual event produced by the Active Transportation Alliance. In 2014, 6,000 participants from 650 Chicagoland companies and organizations — including Groupon and Orbitz — took part in this event that allows workplaces to compete against one another to see who can get the most people biking to work. Participation is easy — you […]
Read MorePost image: After years of dealing with speeding traffic and narrow sidewalks, a road diet is coming to south State Street between 69th and 79th streets in Chicago. Sixth Ward Alderman Roderick Sawyer is working with the Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) to make the corridor safer for everyone, whether you’re walking, biking or driving. He’s also hoping to bring […]
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